
Peer to Peer evaluation (P2P)

Completion requirements

Setup phase

Workshop timeline with 5 phasesSkip to current tasks
Setup phase
Current phase
  • Task info The workshop is currently being set up. Please wait until it is switched to the next phase.
Submission phase
Assessment phase
Grading evaluation phase

In order to obtain the course certificate, it is obligatory to carry out the peer evaluation of two activities of your colleagues of the MOOC that will be sent randomly to you through the platform.

In the document that you have access below, we explain the objectives of the activity, the development, evaluation and the rubric that includes the evaluation criteria of the activity. Before you start, stop reading it, which is essential to be able to carry out the activity.

If you have doubts about the process to deliver and evaluate the exercises of your peers we invite you to read the Tutorial to carry out the activity peer assessment  and, of course, to post any doubt related to the exercise through the General Forum of the course.

Peer to Peer evaluation