
What does this News tell us?

Completion requirements

What does this News tell us?

Number of replies: 0


  • Analyze a news item regarding the Rights of the European Union.
  • Contribute and exchange opinions with the users of the course.



Review the contents of Lesson 2 before doing the activity that we propose and consult the questions that have been raised in the forum about the contents.

Start and / or participate in the debate within the Forum of the course in order to work the "European Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union". In this case, we suggest a piece of news about EU fake news fight, so that you can see how really our rights are at the basis of many aspects of our daily life, even if we are not always aware of it.

After reading the chosen news, share your comments on the Forum to discuss the importance of this Charter, the need for means of protection or anything that concerns you in relation to it, always with fundamental arguments, and respecting the opinions of the other users.

Once the debate has begun, we can comment on the opinions of the other users, as well as vote them.

In addition to the Forum, you can publish your opinions and discuss  these fundamental rights on the platform Gijón Participa or in Twiter, with the hashtags #RightsEurope and #CITIZEUMooc


Enlace hacia noticia sobre fake news


Setting up a group of experts to combat fake news can be part of the solution provided that it does not undermine freedom of expression, a right enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union. It would also be necessary to encourage the development of critical thinking among citizens to enable them to distinguish between truthful and false information and to provide them with the means to do so. 

This is achieved through education. Making citizens aware of the importance of contrasting between sources of information I believe can be a more powerful tool in the fight against disinformation than just maintaining a set of experts.