Lesson 6 has been prepared in the Marketing, Tourism and International Relations Department of the city of Genoa.
Main goal is the promotion of the city image and the improvement of its international visibility and reliability. It works on city communication and promotion, in the city, in Italy and abroad, that can increase the incoming (for tourism and leisure, economy and work activities) of people to Genoa.
The International Affairs office, that belongs to the Dept, works to improve and increase all the international relations of the City of Genoa either bilateral (as Cooperation agreements and twinnings) or multilateral relations (EU Projects, participation to European Networks).
Indeed, the International Affairs office manages all the EU projects of the Department; one of them includes the Europe Direct Information Centre in Genoa, financed by the Italian Representation of EU Commission in Rome, that has as main goal the communication and information to citizens of EU Institutions and theirs activities.